Long-Term Goals

1. Graduate college with a professional degree
2. Obtain a set job
3. Travel outside the U.S.

Weber State University's University-wide Learning Outcomes

  Students can:

  • Communicate, understand and interpret ideas and information using written, oral and visual media.

  • Think critically and creatively to construct well-reasoned arguments supported by documented research.

  • Use quantitative, mathematical relationships, operations and reasoning. 

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the history, foundational principles, economics, and politics of the United States.

  • Demonstrate proficiency in computer and information literacy.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how the biological and physical sciences describe and explain the natural world.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of humans, their behavior, and their interaction with and within their physical, social, local and global environments.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of diverse forms of aesthetic and intellectual expression.

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